
With a professionally-managed HIV/AIDS programme, employers can help in keeping their staff healthy and leading satisfying lives. We look at every company's unique situation and design solutions that meet their and their employees' needs.

Our aim is to offer you the following benefits:

  • Employees that lead longer, productive lives and improved work performance
  • Reduced sick leave, absenteeism and overtime
  • Decreased recruitment and retraining costs
  • Improved company morale
  • Less time spent by management in dealing with issues related to HIV-related issues

Click on the links on the left to see what we offer in clinical care, assessment, HIV counselling and testing, and wellness days.

patient care line
0860 100 646

0800 227 700

cape town office
+27 (0)21 466 1700

0800 600 773
+27 (0)21 466 1771

Email Address [email protected]